Updates / News
14 August 2021, Jürg Messmer
Residence: Formal hurdles overcome
It looks like my next step will be the final interview, which will hopefully take place in early September. According to a migration officer, my chances are good to get the residence permit before I travel to Europe in October 2021.
23 April 2021 / Xela, Guatemala
The application for permanent residency is being processed
Documents seem to be missing, which, is unclear. I'm still on hold! And hope that I can clarify everything before October 26 (visit Switzerland)
28 December 2020 / Xela, Guatemala
Suspension of the travel blog.
Since I have no real "travel" reports to offer at the moment, but rather controversial texts, "special travel reports", I will step a little shorter. I also will focus more on Spanish texts, and concentrate on my life, studies and tasks here.
21 December 2020 / Xela, Guatemala
I almost forgot about my "cold feet".
Already in Ireland, I had decided to take it slow and first insert a year of study, respectively a trial year. And to relax, I booked a "return flight": October 26, 2021. To be in Switzerland in time to celebrate our 70th on October 28 with my brothers, and maybe catch up on the "farewell" party (cancelled for Covid-19), now dedicated to life. Then we see further.
27 November 2020 / Amsterdam
PCR / Covid-19 test result: "negative"
Stand in line and try to keep the required distance. Coming and going in a confined space. Show the passport, "suffer" the test (easier than expected) and ignore the dangers of the test setting. "Calmed down" by the later result received by e-mail. I can board the KLM flight to Panama-Guate on Sunday.
27 November 2020 / Ireland
E-mail from the municipality of Richterswil.
The head of the population services of my former domicile in Switzerland writes that, despite the Covid-19 situation, I have to deregister from Richterswil at the end of the year. Rules and regulations. His proposal: 5. December 2020. Then I will be in Amsterdam. No place of residence. Since I will realistically have a bank account in Guatemala at the beginning of next year at the earliest, and since I have to close my bank account in Switzerland if I live in Guatemala, I would have to take all the money in my pocket with me to Guatemala. But how does it get to Amsterdam?
A thousand questions. I am negotiating. The solution will be found.
18 November 2020 / Ireland
Flight Amsterdam - Guatemala geändert. 6.12.2020
Arrival in Guate same day: 19:25h
Unfortunately not in Switzerland, but at least in Amsterdam: "Sinterklaas", Christmas in Holland, with Csilla, Peter, Pancsi and Phoebe, and more family. Phoebe will prepare a Cheese Fondue :-)
17 November 2020 / Ireland
Flight to Amsterdam and Guatemala booked. 1 Dezember 2020 Dublin - Amsterdam.
5 Dezember 2020 Amsterdam - Panamá - Guatemala. After having considered all pros and cons I decided, and hope it will work out.
9 November 2020 / Ireand
Flight to Guate 2.12.2020 cancelled by travel agency, inspite of Iberia still offering the flights on their website.
A conundrum that requires some research. New travel plans and itinerary: undefined.
23 October 2020, 10:19 / Ireland
Flight to Guate 21.22.2020 cancelled. New date: 2 December 2020 18:20h.
21 October 2020, 10:19 / Ireland
Flight booked: Dublin-Madrid-Guate, 21. November 2020 18:20h.