Dear friends in Traverse City, Happy Easter!
10 April 2020, Jürg Messmer
How strange, these times of the corona virus! Addressed and identified as Covid-19, for solid strategic purposes it seems - as if we were in times of war! How strange we are, we human beings, we share so many things, and are unique at the very same time. I have always been wondering how these so different perspectives can go together well, or even whether they need to be pacified?
Equally I often ponder about writing texts like this, aimed at transcending my personal point of view and sharing it with other people collectively. But I simply can't help it. I personally do prefer to communicate directly with each one personally. Nevertheless it’s sometimes a challenging way to keep contact - in times of traveling for sure, but also in times of a complete shutdown like now, when the world seems to have come to a halt.
Actually it feels like I’m traveling all the time, have always been traveling, and that my feet hardly ever touch ground for a longer period of restful time. Well, I do love to move and to be moved, there seems nothing better than that for a restless mind. It makes me feel alive and kicking. Only travelers know about this of course, it's a secret! Obviously I do not only talk about traveling in its obvious material form, but also about traveling in the mind. I’m a thinker and a dreamer, and I don’t want to apologize for that. That would be as if I was cutting the ground from under my very own feet - impossible indeed, no?
So actually I’m happy to write texts like this, it’s a kind of a meditation, and often I even call it my morning prayer, not quite clear at whom I’m directing my message. At myself? Of course, everybody needs at least one friend! Or at you? Yes, you personally!? I’m a little insecure about that. So often I think of it as a letter to God, this mysterious being, or essence, or source of everything. And yes, I do think this works, simply because the only way of communicating with God seems to be communicating and sharing with each one of our companions, including plants, trees, stones and animals. And the stars of course as well. Where else can I find God if not in what I see, touch, feel, smell and hear, and think, or fear, or love, or dream. I love that!
This morning a friend has shared a video showing the real time positions of all the planes flying worldwide. There were very few still flying over Europe, actually none over Italy, particularly tortured at this time! But the US skies were still almost as busy as in times of "peace". Annoying somehow, I agree, but people are different and we have different point of views and priorities, and I've got to appreciate that very much over the years, sharing hopes and fears with very different people. How can we think that other people know less than we do? How can we believe that other people are more stupid than ourselves? Well, obviously it feels good once in a while :-). I do know that, believe me!
Talking of flying, I still do hope that I can take a plane myself - I know ... - from Dublin to Boston, or Halifax, at the end of June. I will not have a permanent place to stay anymore by the end of May. I still insist that I’m going to leave the country that I was born in, at the beginning of June. But will I get the permission to do so? Or will I have to cross the green border to France and walk all the way to Cherbourg, to find a daring fisherman that takes me across the Celtic Sea to Ireland, to visit an old friend as planned for quite some time? God knows. But I keep sticking to my plan. Got nothing better to do!
Also I plan to visit a medical doctor in Portland Maine. He’s an interesting guy, both a lover of Japanese martial art and compassionate in his own way. I got to know him in Xela, Guatemala. He’s very concerned and busy in these times. But still, I hope we can keep each other company for some time.
From Maine I will continue to travel to Michigan and I still hope I'll arrive in Traverse City one day beginning of July - maybe just in time to be specially welcomed to the celebrations of July 4, as Anna has put it so poignantly, somehow seriously (I loved it!), but maybe mainly teasingly (love it too, but maybe a little less…). What a bold plan anyway given the current news and perspectives worldwide. What a delusional person I am, God forbid.
But I insist. I do stick to plans once decided. Gives me peace of mind. Like writing strange stories like "Why not dream?". I'd like to share it and hope you'll read it - as far as I am concerned it goes well with Easter.
I definitely hope to see you guys soon, A, B, C, E, M, S, T...! and share a few weeks of company, enjoy Lake Michigan, swimming, hiking, live music, a movie, chatting and discussing, having a grill party, even if it is vegan, a couple of glasses, as long as its some juice - just once in a while! Or working on a project, important to somebody. And keeping respecting social distancing whenever important. And maybe even enjoy a real hug once in a while, in mutual agreement, by the two, not the whole world of course, or an accidental touch of hands.
I know you might think, such behavior should not be permitted in these virulent times, because of its general danger to the public. But I do insist in the personal view, in the personal freedom. I do think it's more important to be sensitive, attentive and responsive to the one right next to me, rather than finding a way we can all agree apon at the same time. We can try and also have to, I guess, but it’s impossible! And sometimes I think it's dangerous too. You don’t agree? But do you see the point?
One more thing at last: please let me know whether you appreciate a text like this, directed to more than one person at a time! Some responses would be helpful to keep me motivated for another time.
Thank you for your attention! I do appreciate it very much.
See you soon! And happy Easter!
PS: A classic, who wouldn't know it! »The Times They Are A Changin«
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Anna, 10. April 2020
That was a lot of words to say “I love life”.
Jürg Messmer, 10. April 2020
Yes, I call it abundance... and I take it as a "Oh yes, please continue writing...!" :-)
Susan, 16. May 2020
Traveling, thinking, dreaming -they are a package deal, I think. I find it rather challenging to dream right now... I could classify, if I had to, writings like these as meditations. Things to think about during the day amid tasks and ambling... No 4th of July fireworks this year, 😩 but I’m sure there will be grilling going on, along with a glass or two of colored liquids. Looking forward to seeing you!